5 Must-Include things for Android App Development
The popularity of a mobile app depends on several factors. Along with the popularity of the mobile operating systems, the popularity of an app also depends on its look, feel, performance and scalability. Within a very short span of time, Android apps have become hugely popular among users across the world. Many reports have even highlighted how these apps have made mobile application development competitive. However, an enterprise must make an application development plan by keeping in mind the latest trends in user demand and mobile app development. It is also important for the developer to determine what needs to be included for Android application development to optimize the user experience and ROI.
What Need be Included for Android Application Development?1. Gesture Control: The mobile cameras have encouraged many users to become photographers. As they are not required to invest in expensive digital cameras, most users love to take snaps using their mobile cameras. Along with front cameras, the new Android devices also come with infrared gun on the front panel. The infrared camera enables users to access and control the mobile apps by swiping, turning or stretching the device. So the new apps must be designed with gesture controlling features to optimize user experience.
2. Animation: While evaluating Android apps, the first thing a user notices is their look and feel. Many users even download the app if they like the screenshots. So along with its feature and performance, developers also need to concentrate on optimizing the application’s look and feel. Normally, the users find an app dull, if it does not have any animation effect. While developing an Android application, programmers must include loads on animation effects. In addition to attracting kids, the animation effects will also optimize user experience by soothing eyes.
3. HTML5: Most enterprises launch different versions of the same mobile application to target different mobile operating systems. For instance, an app can become more popular when it is compatible with some of the widely used mobile platforms like iOS, Android and Windows. The developers can reduce the overall mobile application development time and cost by using technologies compatible with each mobile platform. Most of the new Android apps are designed with HTML5 to avail several advantages like hassle-free porting. At the same time, HTML5 will optimize the Android app to meet the latest technological trends.
4. Features for Enterprises: The popularity of enterprise apps are growing at a rapid pace. Most organizations, nowadays, allow employees to access business information on their mobile devices. Some companies even allow employees to bring their own mobile devices. So your app can become popular when its features complement the needs of various enterprises. Most enterprises look for applications that enable their staff to work in ERP, CRM and EAM environments. When the Android app is effective in meeting these requirements, it will become popular among business owners and professionals.
5. Cloud Computing: Within a few years, Cloud computing has become hugely popular among both individuals and enterprises. Many businesses are even building Cloud infrastructure to meet the latest trends in communication technologies. The innovative technology has further encouraged many people to store their data in Clouds. So you can consider developing the Android app with Cloud compatibility. When the app enables users to access data stored in clouds, it will surely become popular.
6. Mobile Payment Options: The modern users are carrying out several transactions using their mobile devices. An increasing number of users are completing financial transactions through mobile apps. The growing popularity of the payment apps have made these popularly known as mobile wallet. But each user wants to complete the financial transaction in a faster and secure way. So your Android payment application must be secure enough to convince users that their sensitive financial data will not be stolen or misused. At the same time, the app also needs to ensure that the money is transferred and received within a few minutes.
When you are making the Android app development plan, it is important to understand what the users want. It is a great idea to refer to the latest market research data and technological trends to ensure that your app will become popular within a very short timeframe.
We provide Android app programming services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified Android app developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.